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Happy Sleep Apnea Patient
July 12th, 2017 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedWith thousands of happy patients we sometimes get complacent about the tremendous positive affect that we have on our patients lives. Having worked with my father Dr. Halstrom now since the early 1990’s the number of snoring and sleep apnea stories just keeps getting bigger. I am always proud to publish our patients comments, and to acknowledge the important part that Dad has played.
Don Halstrom
“Hi Donald,
I love this dental device. It definitely improves my sleep and makes me more rested, and energetic during the day. This fact was brought home recently I was without my device for over a month. My sleep was very poor during this month, and I would wake up and still be tired and foggy-headed during the day. I could not wait to get my new one, and when I did my sleep returned and my days were better. This device has made a huge difference in my quality of life, as without it I am tired most of the time, and with it I feel normal. It has improved my life a lot, making me rested and happier, and I am very grateful for it.
David S”