Category Archives: silencer-news
Why should I trust SomnoMed® with my sleep apnea treatment?
September 6th, 2024 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedTreating your sleep apnea “SomnoMed® is the world’s largest supplier of oral sleep apnea devices, operating in 28 countries. Since 2004, we’ve helped patients have a comfortable night’s sleep while effectively treating their sleep apnea. We’ll make your device to the same medical device quality standards that are used for pacemakers to make sure your device […]
Obstructive sleep apnea during REM sleep & blood pressure.
March 11th, 2023 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedObstructive sleep apnea during REM sleep: effects on morning and evening blood pressure. This new study investigates further the effects of sleep apnea on blood pressure. Study objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is linked to the emergence and progression of cardiovascular complications including hypertension, stroke, arrhythmias, coronary artery disease, and heart failure. Epidemiological studies have […]
Fantastic New Device – SomnoDent Avant
January 13th, 2023 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedDr. Halstrom is happy to report that our recent results using the SomnoMed Avant device are simply outstanding. Comfort – retention – simplicity are improved over any design we have used or seen over the years. As a wearer of the device I can report that the digitally printed body and B-Flex Liner are […]
Sleep Apnea Is Underdiagnosed in Cardiovascular Disease
June 4th, 2022 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedBy – Teresa Santos (in collaboration with Ilana Polistchuck, MD) June 02, 2022 Several scientific studies have indicated a connection between obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease. According to Elizabeth Muxfeldt, MD, PhD, cardiologist and professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, […]
Treatment Options In Obstructive Sleep Apnea
April 26th, 2022 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedTreatment Options In Obstructive Sleep Apnea Gambino, F., Zammuto, M.M., Virzì, A. et al. Treatment options in obstructive sleep apnea. Intern Emerg Med (2022). Preamble by Don Halstrom: This recent published research article does a nice job of presenting the options and issues surrounding different treatment methods for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Since the early […]
The incidence of AF is 88% higher in patients with OSA
March 11th, 2022 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedObstructive Sleep Apnea and Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia, increasing with age and comorbidities. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a chronic sleep disorder more common in older men. It has been shown that OSA is linked to AF. Nonetheless, the prevalence of OSA in patients with AF remains unknown because […]
Association of obstructive sleep apnea with hospitalization due to COVID-19
January 7th, 2022 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedA team of researchers from Iceland recently studied the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). They tried to establish if confounders played any role, such as several known risk factors for severe COVID-19 associated with OSA. The researchers conducted a nationwide study to find the relation between OSA and […]
New study using ‘STOP-Bang’ protocol finds half of truck drivers could need sleep apnea evaluation.
June 10th, 2021 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedA 2020 study released by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that nearly half of truck drivers are at risk for obstructive sleep apnea. This table compares drivers tested for OSA using commercial driver medical exam (CDME) data compared to the STOP-Bang (SB) sleep apnea screening assessment on the same pool of drivers. A 2020 […]
Sleep apnea comorbidities: An overview
December 10th, 2020 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom News, Education Centre, silencer-news, UncategorizedSleep health – Reprint Courtesy of Resmed. A few weeks ago, we began talking about sleep apnea comorbidities in our post on sleep apnea side effects. A comorbidity is a health condition that often exists at the same time in the same patient as a different health condition. That doesn’t necessarily mean that one health […]
March 15th, 2020 | Posted in: silencer-newsAt this time the offices of Quiesco Health Inc. and & Dr. Halstrom are closed. We are attending to our emails and voicemail to maintain essential health services.