Workplace Sleep Apnea Screening

July 25th, 2010   |   Posted in: Uncategorized

Dr. Halstrom is working in partnership with the Thompson Rivers University and a major employer within the forestry industry to implement a Workplace Screening Initiative for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.  Parties are hopeful that protocols and agreements will be in place within the next 90 to 120 days.

Obesity linked to sleep disorders: Study

July 21st, 2010   |   Posted in: Uncategorized

Specialists at a sleep clinic in Newcastle, Australia have analyzed 20 years of patient’s records and found that their patients are becoming increasingly obese. This means that the rise in obesity rates is directly related to rise in sleep problems they say. Between 1987 and 2007, more than 14,000 people checked into the sleep clinic […]