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Your Healthiest Self – 12 Weeks to a Healthier You
August 21st, 2011 | Posted in: Dr. Halstrom NewsProgram Starts September 15 2011
Our online lifestyle coaching – weight loss program guided by our registered dietitian Areli Hermanson (http://www.eatitup.ca) consists of 12 modules of approximately 30 minutes each, as well as live question and answer calls each week). Individualized support, guidance, and attention will be available throughout your 12-week journey to a healthier you.
Topics covered include:
- The psychology of eating
- Oxidative Damage and Cellular Health
- Stress and Stress Management
- The Glycemic Index
- Menu Planning
- Physical Activity
- Sleep Hygiene
- ….much more
Successful weight loss may allow you to live free of CPAP or an oral appliance. Remember: 10% body mass reduction correlates with 26% decrease in AHI (Peppard et al. JAMA 2000).
[email protected] for more information.